Polynesian Tatau

ALOHA and E KOMO MAI to “Living The Aloha Life”

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In our 53nd “FREE”episodes of “LIVING THE ALOHA LIFE”…we’ll be discussing the Polynesian Tatau (TATTOOING) as well as Hawaiian Tatau. Tattooing has been a long tradition not only in Hawaii, but across the South Pacific from New Zealand with the Maori all the way up to the Hawaiian Islands. We’ll discuss the art of Tatau and the Mana and Spiritual energy behind it and the MEANING of TATAU throughout Polynesian Culture! We’ll also have Questions by Patrons and Answers done by a good friend, Justin Farrah, who does Traditional Tatau in Tahiti. Although he is Americanized and sometimes controversial in his approach to Tatau, he follows many of the traditions and culture of this Ancient art!

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