Making the CHOICE to move to HAWAII


ALOHA and E KOMO MAI to “Living The Aloha Life” with Wayde & Mike!

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In our SECOND “FREE”episode of “LIVING THE ALOHA LIFE” we’ll be discussing MAKING the CHOICE to MOVE to HAWAII.

Making the Choice to Move to Hawaii will be one of the BIGGEST DECISIONS of your LIFE! 

For many, Hawaii is a dream…a fantasy that will never be reached, but for those who have the WILL and SPIRIT…”MANA” as we call it here in Hawaii…Those are the ones that will FIGHT to make Hawaii Nei a REALITY!

Hawaii is a special place for special people…The Average Joe simply won’t have the MANA to make it here or the PU’UWAI!

There is a 50/50 change you make it…Most external things will be against you…it will be up to you internally to deflect those things you can’t change and not only believe in yourself, but have the hope and faith that you will make it. When it comes to Hawaii you will have to rely on your self determination for the most part, but you should also rely on others to help you along the way…don’t ever have too much pride as to not ask for help!

In this Episode you will hear Wayde and Mikes personal and INSPIRATIONAL stories on how they made the “CHOICE” to move to Hawaii and survive to tell about it many years after they landed.

Point blank…Living and making ends meet in Hawaii isn’t easy…It’s hard to advocate MOVING to Hawaii under the current climate of Hawaii, as the COST OF LIVING is the most expensive in the country, but we are certainly not going to tell you not to reach for your dreams and the stars!

We hope this Episode inspires others to follow in our foot steps, but to also be cautious and not make the same mistakes we made and to plan out your move to the highest degree…Hawaii is always changing and we all need to change with it or our stay on these islands will be short lived.


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6 years ago

Something I didn’t hear much about this past election was that Hawaii had a real chance to address some of the problems you two mentioned. Of course, it wasn’t passed. It was the proposal to automatically trigger another Constitutional Convention whenever the 10 year limit passes. If I understand it correctly, the last time one occurred was in 1978, neatly falling in line with the Hawaiian Renaissance soon to be mentioned in the upcoming Iz podcast. Out of that came the OHA, which the job they’ve done is arguably not so hot but at least it was a definitive step… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Wayde Fishman

Yeah, one wonders how long the OHA can survive or if there’s already enough of a schism amongst the Kanaka Maoli who accuse the OHA of favoritism/selective granting of lands by hiding behind the blood quantum requirement, etc. that there’s essentially going to be a more militant approach there at one point? Maybe things are too far gone/out of control to bring any kind of substantive change back to the islands. The powers that be probably say that the ’78 Constitutional Convention is something that cannot EVER happen again. I’m guessing that both parties definitely agree that it threatens BOTH… Read more »

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